samedi 9 novembre 2013

Weapon Makers of the Caucasus

Dagestan used to be the centre of making weapons some time ago. It was even called “the weapon smithy” of the Caucasus. But the situation has changed considerably. Good masters still live there but the craft is on the verge of extinction.

Such drawings are first to be made. Each pattern, each smallest detail is to worked out down to a millimetre.

This man is a father of several sons. The craft of weapons making is inherited in this family from grandfather to father, from father to sons. But unfortunately young men of the family are getting more and more interested in iPhones and TV, long hard work with tools does not seem attractive anymore. Besides, such masters do not earn much.

Steel sword.

Stick with a secret.

Applying patterns. This work is hard as hell.

Thin wire is hammered into the wood.

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from English Russia

vendredi 8 novembre 2013

Soviet Pool Forgotten By People

Abandoned Soviet swimming pool. Such an ordinary story. But someone will remember the days of his/her childhood looking at these pictures…

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from English Russia

Golden Autumn In Pripyat

When trees become golden even the city in the exclusion zone appear to be a wonderful place. Would you like to spend there a couple of days being all alone?

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from English Russia

A Day In the Caucasus Mountains

We invite you to spend one day in the Caucasus mountains which is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

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from English Russia

Old Hospital Shelter

Pictures of a protective bomb shelter belonging to one ordinary Russian city hospital. Not so much stuff has remained inside though…

Some licenses and certificates.

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from English Russia